Friday, January 16, 2015

aliens, HYBRIDS, reincarnation, CHANNELERS, the "Rapture"...

aliens, HYBRIDS, reincarnation, CHANNELERS, the "RAPTURE"...

come. again. please?

yes, i know. quite the headline to a blog post right? but how else was i supposed to get your attention?

and before i even begin to break this headline down, i'll start by saying that by the time you're done reading this and all the links provided--prepare to bookmark and take a few days with it--you will likely find yourself either:

a.) laughing and calling me a quack

-even i can appreciate enlightening someone's day with humor at my own expense.

b.) agreeing with what is said as it will seem like common sense after all the evidence supported.

-we share a kindred Awakening-


c.) speechless and quite frankly, a little uncomfortable. shaken up inside. maybe wishing you hadn't read, seen the videos, or even had to think about the 'possible' truth to it.

maybe b & c?

-it's only a natural response and one i too had to overcome in order to discard unnecessary fear in order to even contemplate those Spiritual truths (outside those i grew up on in the church) with the freedom to create the space for new Awareness & Truth to resonate and guide me into an ever-evolving, transformed BE-ing

i had to remember that beautiful verse in the Bible. Romans 12:2 "be 'TRANS-formed by the RE-NEW-ing of the mind"

adjective CHEMISTRY

"denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on opposite sides of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbon–carbon double bond are also on opposite sides of the bond"

ah ha! the process of 'trans'-form-a-tion'

"a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance."

meeting the 'other side' of our polarity.

so what's all this nonsense about? well, for starters (and because i don't believe in coincidence) the fact that you've found yourself reading these words, i believe, has as much to do with Divine Orchestration as the 'urge' that led me to write it in the first place.

although many of us have not stopped to acknowledge it, we are nonetheless living in the 'Golden Age of Enlightenment' spoken of for thousands of years now since the most ancient of days. the 'Age of the Brain'. the 'Great Awakening' the 'Age of Aquarius' etc.

although the headline to this blog may have thrown you for a loop, the main take away from this message will be just that. namely, our need to tune ourselves INWARD and INTO this ultimate Knowledge of our existence.

perhaps the best way to help describe what this Awakening to our True Reality/Existence looks like, i should direct you to the best 25 minutes of your life right here. perhaps this video is just what it will take to set the foundation for the rest of the blog.

as i've mentioned before with the 11:11 phenomenon taking place around the world (now) more than ever before, it is simply a response to this heightened Spiritual Awareness. a near and dear best friend of mine even texted me recently about it. after the urge to start praying for more Spiritual Awareness "felt" in her soul as she said, not just 'believed', she then started noticing 11:11 all the time.

many people don't even realize the Spiritual significance of it, as it just seems like a 'lucky' sort of 'weird' coincidence. but for many years now gifted seers, clairvoyants, and channelers have spoken of it as "the gateway" when the two realms of 'physical' and 'Spiritual' are wide open and our guides/angels/Highest Self-Consciousness are trying to communicate with us any way that they can by gently whispering in our ear to notice something--

without entirely disrupting or imposing on our God-given 'free will' that is. they want to guide us into meeting our Highest Self. that is the way they help us and protect us.

and whenever we call out in Faith, (especially) on the Name of Jesus (repetitive 3s) we are getting that same guidance. 4 is the numbers of angels. 11 is a Master Spiritual number and the most intuitive of numbers. 22 and 33 are also Master Numbers. EVERY number attached to every letter is meaningful to our lives! 

we all have a 'name path' and a 'life path' according to our birthday/time of birth and full maiden names. we each have a unique quality and root number to our names giving us insight into our purpose. numerology and astrology go hand in hand to tell us so much about ourselves and to help guide us.

wait a minute, someone in the church told you that it was all of the Devil?

have you ever wondered then why numbers and patterns of numbers, OR even the location of the star when Christ was born etc. is even IN the Bible with so much Spiritual Significance? if we were not to understand these studies, how do we understand the relevance of their usage throughout? how do we gain Spiritual insight if we know nothing of a number's Spiritual Identity?

moving along, although there is very much an 11:11 phenomenon taking place, it is not just with 11:11. our guides speak to us in all repetitive numbers and various patterns of numbers (double, triple, quadruple) even signs, movies, songs etc.

and the message in the numbers can be any number of things be it answer to Prayer (that we are acknowledging their Guidance) to trying to get us to tune into our thoughts at that very moment we experience it. what kind of 'reality' are we creating for ourselves in that very moment? what are our thoughts creating within us? are they constructive? are we operating in Love?

they also speak to us in personal revelation, helping us understand Biblical Prophesy, which (again) is kind of important...

sometimes our angels and guides are just telling us "well done" and encouraging us to keep up the 'good Spiritual Soul Growth'.

when we begin to recognize that it is happening, we must see it for what it is. we ARE growing more Aware, raising our own frequency/vibration-in the process and transforming all the more rapidly into our True Self. the message is that we OUGHT to understand the Spiritual Significance in every aspect of our lives, through our own experiences AND those of others BECAUSE we are all connected. and to PRAY for those things we are in need of to accomplish those Spiritual lessons.

i've briefly written about my own experience with the synchronicity of 11:11 and it has been even more prominent in my day-to-day than EVER before. double and triple digits that is. i'll look at the clock and it never fails.. 11, 22, 33, 44, 55s ....11:11, 1:11, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 etc.

i hop on FB and as i'm 'liking' posts i'm the 'like' that takes it from the 10th-11th or 11th to the 12th, or the 21st to the 22nd or 44 and 55 so that i'm always seeing those numbers. 44 in my call log. 333 on my camera roll. 3:33 on the clock when i know prayers are being answered for us as we travel because i felt them and then was reminded through the 3:33 that Jesus was with me.

my sister text messages me the 11th of 11 photos in our text history. 2222 on buildings that i just so happen to notice in passing as we're driving. 444-4444 on a taxi cab in passing. and again on the back of a huge bus in front of me during a moment of crisis on the road. 22%, 33% and 44% on my battery life. double digits on license plates and road signs jumping out at me (when i'm definitely NOT even looking for them).

on 1/11 right at 1:11 i just so happen to glance down at my phone (it had been at least an hour since i had last checked the time). and of course! so i snap a picture and share it with fb, log off, get back on just in time to see it's received '11' likes. 

not to mention the week before we were in Oregon i had even alluded to a pattern happening that night at my girls party every time it happened while i was there. 6:16, 7:17, 8:18, 9:19, 10:10, 11:11 on the clock (the only times in the night when i looked). one of my best friends even joked, "maybe you just look at the clock a lot."

and to be fair, maybe i do but that still doesn't explain why it could be (and usually is) at least an hour to three hours in between looking at any clock and i just so 'happen' to get the 'pattern' or the double or triple numbers when i do.

so what does that mean? did you watch the video above? ;-)

the sense that our souls or Highest Consciousness' are multidimensional. though this is difficult to grasp in our physical 3D world of matter and limited understanding to our Truest Nature, we are on the path of meeting and becoming our True Selves. the path of outgrowing the 'ego'. only then will we be living in the True Reality. the same True Reality that Jesus came and taught, though many whom he spoke to could not understand the Spiritual Significance of His Words.

is it any wonder why hundreds of thousands of individuals who have had Near Death (and Death) experiences, only to return to tell about them as this entirely different "Real" Reality where 'time' does not exist and the knowledge of the Self as a created being of God, in God, one with God, and one with everything that God is and created has happened to hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world?

scientists and psychologists are now studying NDE experiences as a global phenomenon, much like the 11:11 phenomenon. and this same realization of 'oneness' that is experienced by the NDE's is that same Spiritual Oneness that Jesus Himself taught us to strive for because it's what we ARE in our truest Nature or 'form'. yet so many of our churches condemn this as being "pantheistic" and false teaching.

some of these NDE experiencers were even able to describe what channelers and seers have described all along (again) for THOUSANDS of years now with the 'Akashic Records' (God and our souls' "memory book" or "Book of Life" as the Bible speaks of) where every thought, intention, action, and word spoken since our first venture--in whatever dimension we chose--once given our ability to choose is then recorded. EVERY moment of our Soul's history and creativity IS RECORDED.

it is in their 'Life Review' where they are able to see ALL these things play out like a movie. where nothing goes unnoticed. every life lived before, in many different dimensions of the Universe including those 'previous' earth incarnations are all like one collective "Lifetime Movie" featuring themselves as the Starring Performer. Thomas Sawyer's story  is but one of thousands. 

they are even able to see Earth or "Mother Nature" as ONE, LIVING, BREATHING SENTIENT Organism where everything about Her is glorious and ALIVE possessing feeling and a range of energies with all levels of vibration. she moves and breathes and serves us in all her Glory. check out this NASA video data if you're struggling to envision what she looks like. 

even many Christians who (prior to their near death experience) did not believe in reincarnation had been shown their previous lives and were able to look 'down' so to speak as though it were all connected into one ongoing lifetime and ongoing Spiritual transformation. time does not exist. time is really just another constructed illusion that we are living with. on the 'other side' our past, present, and future lives are like puzzle pieces that can be put together perfectly to see the big picture of our transformation in its wholeness. God sees us in our 'perfection' and the beauty of our entirety; the uniqueness we each possess through our own self-created aspects of expression.  

and although we are incarnate numerous times, we don't always choose to have the same expression or's quite literally a merciful clean slate in which we have all the creative juices to utilize all the gifts and talents we've stored up in our previous lives while creating new aspects of ourselves and doing NEW things...

and when it comes to this "new"-age belief as so many of us have been told by our churches, we've been led to believe that we are being 'deceived' if we engage such belief. but reincarnation is hardly a 'new' belief at all, instead a VERY ancient one.

for power and political reasons that served the interest of the Church it had been dubbed as "heretical teaching" and the Roman Catholic Church literally crucified those who were caught teaching it and speaking of it. it THREATENED the power of man (UNDER) the influence of DARKNESS. it was almost all but destroyed and burned; almost all but removed.

yet there was still a reason even this had to happen. it's all in the blueprint of The Bible. our 'own' Blueprint to life as. hu-mans ('god-men').

the founding fathers of Christianity (i.e. Origin himself for example) taught the pre-existence of the soul and our truest nature as souls/consciousness in physical bodies made up of physical matter.

reincarnation is still taught by Orthodox Jews today. and whether we choose to believe it's true or not, makes no difference. it is part of the (upper case) 'R'eality that we are limited to remembering until the veil is removed. it is being 'born again' in the literal sense of the word so that we may learn those lessons of life, evolve, and continue in our transformation.

"but Naomi, the Bible does NOT teach this!"

says who? think back to the very first time you were given an interpretation of the Bible to live by. can you even remember? we've been indoctrinated since the time we were children. again, did you watch the video above? 

there are only two true emotions-- "fear and love" that all others stem from. and "PERFECT LOVE casts OUT all fear." 1 John 4:18

so don't be afraid to question it. i can assure you that while it may not be as explicit as you're looking for due to the censorship of man, twists of the Truth in translation, and the flat out embellishments, the fact that it was a widely accepted belief and even taught by Jesus, is definitely there. and when we are told by Jesus to have 'faith like a child' to enter the Kingdom of Heaven which He also described as BEING WITHIN, what does that mean? why a child?

because their faith is open to new truth without even having to contemplate the word 'true'. yet, it's not because children don't have an intuition of their own or they're "easily deceived" as we so often love to say to prove that our own theories and theologies are right.

no. children are FAR more perceptive and intuitive than any of us. especially from the ages of infancy to five years before they become 'indoctrinated' into our world. their belief in the unseen and unknown is only tainted as WE taint it for them by telling them what is "real" and what is not.

should it be any surprise to us then that it is most often CHILDREN who remember their past lives? "deception" or "beautiful imagination" we'll say, but THEY know they're not 'imagining' anything.

many children 'see' other beings and have friends that none of us can see. should it be a surprise that countless books have been written about these children who can give chilling accounts of things past and speak of them in the first person as though they're not asking if it happened, they know it did BECAUSE THEY REMEMBER.

you see as we grow up we lose our 'faith like a child' and we become disillusioned by society and what we are TOLD to believe. but children have no such limited faith and this is what Jesus meant.

soon enough we will understand that although this world and our daily lives seem like reality; and as we are in it that's what it 'feels' like, it is not the 'True' Reality. it's all an illusion; a manifestation of our collective thoughts. 

but in this illusion of ongoing lives on earth and through every life-review in between incarnations, new soul contracts, new Spiritual lessons we want to achieve in the next life as we continue to 'trans'form--through it all, we are learning and experiencing the lessons of Life in a 'physical' way that we could not do otherwise.

being human over any other type of being is the best, quickest way for soul growth to happen, so that we CAN end the cycle. so that we CAN live in THE Reality of our truest Selves.

we are becoming as Christians and many others preach 'Christ like' IN our humanity as living souls in a body. as C.S. Lewis said it best "you don't have a soul, you are a soul. you have a body." and did Jesus not say "all these things i do, you will do and greater" John 14:12 and did He not say "is it not written in your law? i said, "you are gods" John 10:34

yes, yes He did say all these things! and that's amazing because so many other gifted people, be it the seers and channelers and Near Death Experiencers, and ancient sages for thousands of years now have all said it too! Psalm 82:6 "I said you are gods. You are 'all' sons of The Most High."

"hu-man" means "god-man". so, let us reason that if Jesus didn't declare himself to be the 'only' Son of God, then why have we turned him into that? he did not come to be turned into a graven image to be worshiped, but to serve as an example of what it meant to lay down our "illusion" of who we think we are and unite with the Christ Consciousness; that portion that we have all been given through our Spiritual Birthright as Sons of God, so that each of us may experience the transcending of the physical world in the same way. and did you know that Gautama Buddha taught the same thing with the 'Middle Way' and that 'portion' or 'buddhavista'/future buddha within. 

did you know that the earliest day Christians did not refer to themselves as "Christians" but as "followers of The Way". Jesus chose to come into that particular incarnation out of pure love and burden for the world. to help raise the Spiritual collective consciousness at a time when it was far more dense than it is today. he taught them that "Way" which was WITHIN where the Kingdom of Heaven resides. 

have you ever wondered about the"lost" years of Jesus? have you ever wondered if he and Gautama Buddha knew one another? they sure did! and Jesus spent much time learning the practice of uniting with his "buddhavista" or "Christ Consciousness" "The Logos" "The Word" within His inner being. yes, so much so that He could perform miracles, walk on water, heal the blind and lame....He was not bound by the physical world in which we live because He knew His truest nature and His Power within as He and His Father/ Our Father-Mother were One. out of LOVE for the One he chose his duty to the world. 

you see, through learning and understanding ourselves as we were meant to, we experience, like Jesus did, the spiritual growth in these human bodies that is needed to transform all together into the created beings we were intended to be all along. we become 'one' with our truest, Highest Self as we become one with The Father and a (lower case) "god" in the Body of God Conscious. nothing is really separate you see? the fact that we believe in our Separation from each other and all Life only reinforces the fact that we are living a collectively-created illusion, because on "the other side" there is no separation. 

only when we collectively wake up to this Truth, will this 'reality' as we know it fade away because we will have no more use for it. The LIGHT of clear consciousness of ALL of us WILL overcome and the earth will be new again.

many have wondered why God doesn't put an end to all the evil and suffering at once, forgetting that WE are all responsible for it. for the bigger picture that we created when we fell away from Him (starting with Satan/Lucifer). so we own the responsibility to turn back to Him and to become Spiritual Activists for humanity in being the miniature creators that we are. 

and because we are BE-ings we are in the ongoing state of Be-ing renewed in our minds and transformed in our physical state of being. again we are souls and have a body. not the other way around. so then, we are merely a group of souls currently having an 'earth experience' for the sake of Spiritual Growth.

and who does God say that He is? "I AM" that "I AM" because that's exactly what/who He is. He just 'IS'. He doesn't have to think about the 'why'  He exists. you see, Jesus was so One with the Father/Mother God of the Whole that He was fully man and fully God in His ability to transcend matter; to materialize and de-materialize

and when he said: "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father except through me" was Jesus speaking of himself in the sense of 'Jesus the man' or Jesus the soul united with His own 'Christ-Consciousness' or the 'Word' the 'Logos'? 

to reemphasize here; as we each strive to follow The Way, we are in the process of transcending any and all notion of  'separation' that exists within our Consciousness. we are "laying down our cross" so to speak and this illusion (ego) of ourselves we've created as we increase our union with God (within). 

so if we follow the example laid out for us by Jesus, then we should each be able to inevitably say "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life"...

He delights in us as we delight in ourselves with our Spiritual purpose in mind. we are
to have A BALL in LIFE and to experience the range of emotions that we couldn't understand in a physical sense if we hadn't chosen to be here. i sure love being human for those reasons alone.

and the ability to tune into our Christ Consciousness and know our Selves is critical to overcoming all forces of darkness upon us. the Occult is a part of this illusion we've created and it is a sad, sad story for so many artists wishing they could escape their own 'soul contracts' with the devil (which is not manifested in one being but in all darkness that exists in the illusion). 

to OVERCOME the 'beast inside' through LOVE and celebration  with each other in that Love for one another and for the Creator of every Universe in the Galaxy, including earth (just a speck on that map) The Source of all given-Life. the only 'will' is that we would help point each other back to our Oneness with Him-Her and all of Creation and various lifeforms, using our own free-will. 

that we would wake up to the Truth of who we REALLY are, and the power we have, through our savior, elder Brother, and friend who carries us in His Sacred Heart; Jesus Christ who showed us 'The Way', to overcome those forces of darkness. this Way did not have to do with His own death to "cover salvation for the world" as religion has created, but rather to show us that we EACH work out our salvation by uniting with our own portion of 'The Word' within, the 'spark of Light' so to speak that sustains our soul and grows stronger and brighter as our Consciousness opens and expands. 

as we obtain this level of Spiritual Consciousness, we would only naturally be led into the best choices we could make for ourselves and in effect for others, the One body of God/Christ Consciousness; to minimize our need to come back into the cycle re-birth unless we choose to for the sake of another; to finally have learned and expressed that Understanding to the degree in which our karma are fully balanced by the very least 51% - 49%.

a little tid-bit about myself. as my mother tells me, i was the only one of her five born with the 'veil' over my face. she only ever chalked it up to having been a "temple priestess" in another life, which i don't doubt :) ...but it is not common in humans as Hannah's delivery nurse (a self-proclaimed clairvoyant) told me, very much in horses however. they are born with a 'white film' (veil) over their faces, hence a 'horse's intuition' and they tend to have the most extrasensory perception than most animals on earth.

now, by no means do i claim to be psychic here. i cannot see the future and i couldn't tell you if it was gonna rain tomorrow much more who you're gonna marry. but i have since learned that the true word for the "veil" is being born a "caulbearer" or "messenger of God" and i
 do strongly believe in my intuition. 

on some level, i think i have always simply 'known' that i chose this lifetime for the sake of being a light worker in this critical period of the world and man's evolution in it. since i was a kid, i've always known that i never quite 'thought' the same as everyone else. i always had an inner 'obsession' (i suppose you could say) for Spiritual Truth.

and about six and half years ago now, when i was living in Austin, TX, i had gone to see a man by the title "Francis the Healer". he was widely known "modern-day Jesus" and worked solely off donations. as a young child he had realized his gift of 'tuning within' and healing things (starting with insects and injured animals). presently he has healed hundreds of individuals and animals for a range of ailments (even cancer) just by laying his hands on them. 

anyhow, my sister and i had both gone to see him in a group healing. upon laying his hands on my head, he singled me out of the group to ask my name before (without hesitation) saying to me "you can do what i do, come back and see me again." 

i never did. i guess i just wasn't at this place in life...where i am now that is. i certainly was not awakened to my Divine Reality at that point either. and to be clear, having learned this about myself has not made me feel any more 'important' than the next. but it has certainly made me feel more responsible to my calling and purpose for having come into this particular lifetime.

i've transcended any need or desire for organized religion as well as any one--end all be all--TRUTH of any particular creed or doctrine. i've realized my Spirituality does not fit in any one never really did. 

i am a Truth-Seeker to the core of my being. i am a light worker...and i know there are thousands of light workers in pockets all around the globe; you may be one yourself and not even have realized it until now. welcome to 'The Great Awakening'. 

on that note, we can begin looking at the headline....

let's start with "aliens" and since i'm kinda feelin' the 'multiple choice' method i started with in the beginning of this blog, i think i'll keep rollin' with it. especially because at this point in time, the discussion surrounding aliens has been around long enough.

a.) absolutely yes, they're real!

b.) maybe possible?

c.) i'm still laughing at you Naomi.

but if you're a history channel geek like me, then you know that for quite some time now they've featured segments titled "Ancient Aliens" enlightening the viewers to a multitude of archaeological evidence (e.g bones, and Egyptian pyramids themselves) and ancient writings that depict extremely  advanced civilizations dating back thousands of years ago.

many of their technologies were so advanced that we are still trying to dissect them today. not to mention that every ancient culture has depictions of 'Ancient Astronauts'. so who were they?

as a human race collectively we've only just begun to scratch the surface of Quantum Physics and parallel realms in understanding more about space, the Universe, the planet Earth in respect to it's location within the solar system and the changes taking place by the nanosecond, including the possibilities of our own brains.

as many quantum physicists, scientists, and 'prophets' are saying, there seem to be a fulfillment of not only Biblical Prophesy but predictions by many different ancient civilizations included, taking place even as these words are written.

the Mayans were one of them. it is still a mystery as to how they had such advanced knowledge to create a calendar system more precise than ours today with all our hi-tech instruments and gadgets. did they have the help of E.T.s?

and furthermore not to mention the vast number of abductee experiences. "P.R's" is just (but) one of them. and he details a description of the immorality, depraved, evil atrocities they commit, even disguised as human or through mind-control of humans. of course, just as there are 'evil' and 'benevolent' humans same goes for other lifeforms. other stories have made headline news. in most cases, these abductions were a part of the 'soul-contract' of all individuals involved, however it is not always the case. 

then we have the countless number of weird shapes and UFO sitings witnessed by many thousands of people, ancient drawings depicting the same thing, and we've seen people like Phil Schneider who've worked for the CIA turn up missing or dead after having come out with the Truth about what's going on in these underground bunkers and encounters with evil reptilians who "can transform themselves into humans."

we want to say it's all one big hoax and most of the time that's exactly what we decide to conclude. but what if it's not a hoax? 

as the prince of darkness in this world, it is part of the 'collective-Devil's' plan. that we'd write all these things off as "silly sci-if" and continue being the sheeple that we've been. but this is not GOD'S plan for us. again, the LIGHT WILL OVERCOME ALL DARKNESS. and He promised us that all things would be brought to light in the end. that's the BEST news! 

WE WIN! LOVE wins!!! and God/our unified Highest Collective Consciousness is calling us now to wake up and pay attention to all those things being fulfilled and to realize that WE have the power to change the course of any potential events to come. which is why we are not to fear. we own all the power within. 

fear and negative energy are the only two things that sustain darkness and keep us from breaking through to this Awareness. fear enslaves and we were not made to fear anything or anyone. fear and love to not operate together. 

we are only to be aware of all this, so that we would find the ability to expand our consciousness into the grander picture of Life and our purposes for being here. 

and if He is in us (in His Kingdom) then he feels things as we feel them. He learns of our choices as we make them and He is emotionally affected by our choices, nonetheless allows our free-will to continue. His greatest sorrow is our is our greatest sorrow. His greatest Joy is ours. His greatest anger against injustice and evil is also ours...because we make up God together. 

i'll never forget going through my miscarriage and feeling comforted by His Voice after a bout' of anger. 

"My Heart mourns with you" ....

 to realize that we have the power to change 'this' "reality" we have created for ourselves, we NEED to wake up to it. so that we are ready and willing for anything to take place. so that we are owning up to our end of the are you supposed to know your purpose if you can't remember signing the contract? trust that your highest consciousness/ your Higher Self is nudging you and guiding you, and with more ease as you make a conscious and willful choice to listen and heed the advice.    

more importantly that we realize the ability within ourselves to create a new world. and that starts in our 'own' individual worlds. it starts as we commit ourselves to manifesting our intentions towards our Spiritual Growth. we commit ourselves to an 'attitude of gratitude' everyday diligently until it becomes so much a part of us that its who we are.

we commit ourselves in genuine, self-less love and service for each other. and we envision (every day) in our minds what the world would look like if we were all stripped of our egos. we envision what the world would look like, if we all cared just a little bit more about each other than ourselves. what the world would look like if we could cohabitate with every different type of being in the universe operating on that same loving frequency

love overcomes all fear when we understand that we were not made to fear. even when it comes to the topic of 'aliens' (good or evil ones) and when we've reached that level in our Spiritual Awareness. when we are FREE of fear, we are FREE at last. and that is what we were made to be. 

which is exactly my purpose in writing this blog.

so all that said. if it's possible that just like 'Angels are among us as humans (as hundreds of thousands of people on this planet believe and have experienced) coming to our rescue in times of need representing their head honcho (God), then we should assume the likeliness that demons are also among us as humans representing their head honcho (the first fallen angel) Lucifer (light bearer as he once was). 

and really, if all this seems too "far fetched" to the Bible-believing Christian, what do we know about Angels and Demons? or how about the "Nephilm"spoken of in Genesis? the Flood should have destroyed all of them as they were the result of depravity between humans and fallen angels. yet they weren't entirely wiped out. and they carried the bloodline of Satan's "seed" within their veins. 

is it possible that  'E.T' and "Angel" or E.T. and "Demon" are one in the same thing?

"HOW is that even possible!? reptilian aliens disguised as human!? riiiiiight...."

well, i'm glad you asked. maybe this 'techie' can help me out with his video breakdown of the mind-control and shapeshifting ability. maybe a hoax? maybe not? and maybe not all reptilians are 'bad' just the same as not all humans are 'bad'?

we've also learned of those benevolent E.T.s 'on the side of humans' who recently intervened in Earth affairs to save us from destruction in the early sixties when Gaia (the Soul of Earth) cried out for help. the are  'The Arcturians' among others of  'The Galactic Federation of Light.

take, for example the voice of  'Gramaha Asta Galactic Commander'... sounds like a great movie character right!? :)

 "this "voice from space" blacked out the BBC's Southern TV station for 5 1/2 minutes at 5:12 PM on November 26, 1977 while the message was delivered slowly and deliberately in a calm authoritative tone." of course, like anything and everything that had to do with E.T "discovery" and "communication" it was determined to be another big fat HOAX, but it is yet to be truly explained has to HOW the hoax was even possible to pull off. moreover, no one has ever been caught or come forward to claim responsibility for it.

nonetheless, what is 'the message' being told by this 'voice'? listen to it and realize that there is wisdom and TRUTH in the message (EVEN) if you're still laughing and calling it a hoax.

and what have Prophets and Channelers been saying about this GalacticFederation? they were known of before the incident with the BBC broadcast.

"ok're on a real good one now"...

i know right!? it's so Sci-Fi!! who would've thought that we are only able to 'imagine' space aliens and create them in movies like Star Trek. there's no way it's actually real!

"you've lost it. one too many turns down crazy town."

but have i really? again, did you watch the first video in this blog?  have you at least skimmed the links (in text) after that?

we know more about the Brain today and about consciousness than ever before. we can see through the lies and agenda. for those of us paying attention, we've seen more scandal than ever brought to light  (i.e.) monsanto, chemtrails, illuminati mind control. etc.

our world is changing for the good... dark forces are trying to stay in power and forces of light are overcoming them as our Collective God Consciousness raises in frequency. we are Spiritually evolving and finally beginning to understand who we really are. and who/what we really are is Light. 

darkness cannot exist without Light as it is simply the 'absence of' light. and so the goal for the future of humanity, in undoing everything we've done, is to re-write 'darkness' to a work of fiction. to be entirely re-unified with our own God Given Light. 

indeed, we are on that path as more and more individuals break free from the illusions and restrictions placed on God through culture, man-made religion, and our own theories about him. 

as more and more awaken to their own Christ Mind and Consciousness (The Word/ Logos), more and more human souls will ascend and the Light will overcome any and every dark force. 

to operate on and in an upright and holy, righteous Love for ourselves, each other, and for Earth with a contentment in knowing that the real "END" of the cycle as we know it, will only be the 'beginning' to this Great Awakening. 'remembering' that this was ALL only an illusion and temporary "period of programming" to begin with. 

when we operate in 'Selfless Love and Truth', we operate in the Christ Consciousness. and this is LIFE, which is the opposite of death.

but as Christians we cannot place a false hope in what we've been told is the correct interpretation of "THE END TIMES". even as i've written this entire blog for the sake of sharing the Truth, i beg you to ponder it and pray over it for yourself. let the Holy Spirit within you/ your own intuition be the judge of all that is written here. 

that said, Pre-tribulation "rapture" like all those Left Behind Series (and the remade movie starring Nicholas Cage) is not sound doctrine and never appeared in teaching until after 1830. there is not going to be 'two' second comings of Jesus Christ. though many are preparing the way for His coming right now. if we sit around waiting to 'disappear', in disbelief that God would 'actually' allow us Christians to experience tribulation, then we choose to ignore the Truth that stares us right in the face. 

not to mention, when at any point on the pages of the Bible did God ever remove his people from danger all together? he did not. but he did PROTECT them from being totally destroyed. He was WITH them in the same way He is still Here and WITH us.

the KINGDOM that is WITHIN us is here because WE are here and we are 'gods' in GOD Consciousness . we are EARTH beings. we are here and will continue to be here as those "righteous" who will inherit the earth and dwell on it forever in our 'transformed' bodies and Minds as we remain faithful to Him. Psalm 37:29. His Kingdom WILL come to earth, and it's already happening!

have you ever heard the saying "you don't go to Heaven, you grow to Heaven"? we are being transformed every day as we seek the Truth and Light of God and His will for us. "That no man shall perish" we are the ones preparing the path for Jesus Second Coming when He will appear to the world in the same body and appearance he died in--the body He had in Galilee. with those beautiful scars on his nailed-pierced hands and feet.

there will come a day, when this illusion of programming we believed was 'real' will seem like a distant memory. why? because we ARE made in His image--Spirit first. we are eternal beings and life as 'hu-man' is but one experience in our Souls' Journey back to Him. 

as many channelers have seen, Mother Nature's Soul (Gaia) is already going through a cleansing period right now, and every natural disaster including those Biblical prophecies of "punishment" and destruction on Earth has been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled as She releases the negative energy she must in order to be cleansed...

i'll leave you with a channeler whom i've enjoyed listening to since (serendipitously) meeting her daughter and granddaughter in our community.

may you be blessed in Love and in the Awakening of Your Highest Self evermore. here she is, Aingel Rose

and for more reading material (if you didn't get enough in this novel of a blog) check out 'Matthew's Messages'.

more on Edgar Cayce...

"Then, today, we are to answer within our individual consciousness, "Am I my brother's keeper?"  Not "What does the world owe me?"  but "What contribution can I, as an individual soul seeking God, seeking to know His face, make that may hasten the day of the Lord?"

"What is needed most in the earth today? That the sons of men be warned that the day of the Lord is near at hand, and that those who have been and are unfaithful must meet themselves in those things which come to pass in their experience."

"19. (Q) Please explain the words of the Master as recorded in the 21st chapter of Luke, "Many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ."

(A) As has been given, many have arisen; for as He gave in the same connection, there were many false prophets, even those that would lead the very elect away. There be those who, finding something of the power that is in the material activities of those that would walk in the light, turn same into their own selfish purposes; hence become false prophets, false Christs, and lead many astray. Let's remember, there has been given the manner, the way to determine as to whether such a prophet is of the Spirit of God or not. They that deny the call of the prophets of old, or the burdens of the world upon the Son or His death, His resurrection, are not of the spirit; for "As ye have SEEN Him go, so SHALL He come." As He overcame the world through the birth as one born in due season, through those varied periods when necessity and the DEMAND of the Sons of God brought forth those leaders in their proper places, so He is that one that is given power over death, hell and the grave, and in Him is the power made manifest in the consciousness of Him and His power in the earth; hence we may see how the consciousness of His presence may be misconstrued, when turned to selfish motives. Know that even as the powers of evil are loosed for the correcting of many, so are the glories of Him made manifest in the hearts and lives of many."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

beautiful reflections...

of 2014. recapping on a year complete and my head feels like it could fall off. it's spinning pretty fast. i suppose that's typical considering my 'circumstances'. life with a two year old and an infant that is. and especially around the holidays-- hosting dinners and baby showers, traveling through airports with coughs, colds, and stomach bugs. it's been a wild, exhausting ride to say the least. especially these last couple weeks as we are all trying to recover from traveling and trying to get healthy again. doctor appointments on the books for today!

but it's been an amazing ride nonetheless. and an incredible year. a busy year, but an incredible one. it was a year that brought a lot of change. beautiful change. necessary change. even heartache at times. necessary heartache. it was also the year that brought life. new beautiful life into our lives.

for nine months of the year 2014 i watched as my belly grew little by little. feeling every tiny kick and jab from our sweet Adelynn May while trying to imagine her face and the rising and falling of her chest as she slept. soothed by the sound of my own heart beat; the sweet music to her soul. totally surreal.

pregnancy in and of itself truly is the most magical thing when you stop and really contemplate it. from sperm and egg to this tiny little tadpole, then so quickly into this complex, intricately designed human body. when i think about it in that context, nine months seems like such a short period of time for such a huge miracle to occur. mind you, i say this now while i’m not going through it. ha!

but isn't that just God? So beautifully and fantastically Magical. thee Creative Genius of the world and everything in it. pregnancy and birth are just a couple of those miracles.

i'm mystified by Him and can say that with each pregnancy i have fallen even more in love with Him. even more amazed by His Glory. the Glory that lives and breathes all around me. from The Glory i’ve felt in my womb twice over to the Glory i've seen staring back at me in those beautiful eyes of my sweet little babes. so dependent on me. being their mom is the greatest. 

it is that same Glory i have also seen and felt in others all around me, near and far. in the most perfect stranger in passing. in Mother Nature and every last species that exists within Her. far more than i'll ever even know of. moreover, it is the Glory in the complexity of emotions, thoughts, feelings, and ideas i get to experience in my humanity. every moment of Life here is a Gift and the moments i've tuned in to this Truth in 2014 are the moments i cherish the most. 

i suppose i can say that this has been the year that i've really learned to appreciate it all. to recognize this Glory all around me. to reflect on it and on Life's greatest gifts and simplest pleasures. life's purpose beyond the ordinary routine of life to discovering the extraordinary in all the smallest things so personal and unique to our own lives.

i can say pretty confidently that this has been the year i've paid more attention to it than any other year in my life. more attention to all the ways His Glory speaks to me and moves me to strive for perfection in the ways that will count when i leave this Earth. to be more than i was yesterday...every day.  

just as quickly as we had found out we were pregnant with Adelynn this past year, a week after ringing in the new year and in what felt like the blink of an eye--she was placed in my arms for the very first time. with a toddler to occupy all my time and attention, the pregnancy flew by faster than i could believe. i’ll admit that it was a struggle to wrap my head around loving another little one as much as i loved Hannah. so much so that i had even kept it a secret from FB for the entire nine months so that Hannah wouldn’t have to share the spotlight until her time as an only child had come to an end.

but of course, in the moment i first laid eyes on Adelynn, i had fallen head over heels in love all over again. and all in that same beautiful, simultaneous moment i thought of Hannah and loved her even more. it was the very moment i understood exactly what all my friends and family with multiples meant when they say: "your heart just expands that much more."  indeed it does! 2:57 am on September 12th, staring back into the eyes of my sweet new baby was so much more than i could've bargained for. it was my very favorite moment in 2014. 

and Adelynn, my sweet 'Addy May' …oh let’s let a mom swoon for a moment and sing her praises. the most beautiful, peaceful, joyful baby girl a mom could dream of. as easy a time as she gave me for nine months of smooth sailing in utero, eight hours of labor, and just five easy minutes of 'push time', she has continued to be a dream baby ever since that moment she arrived. often times i've asked God why. 

why He's blessed me so much. i don't feel as though i deserve it. yet it is in those moments when i feel the least worthy that i am the most humbled by His Love and His Grace. and my most sincere hope is that my faith in Him would be so unwavering that even if we were stripped of all health and wealth my heart and soul would continue to say 'thank you' and sing His praises.

'thank you' because we know that He always has our Spiritual Growth; our best interest in Mind. ‘thank you’ because unlike our own narrow view which doesn’t see too far past the nose attached to our face, He sees our future. He sees ‘perfection’ in us. He sees us in the fullness of The Glory we were created with. even as we are on the bumpy road wearing foggy goggles that limit our own ability to see that far ahead.  how we treat ourselves and each other, especially through the hard times of our lives will be all that really counts when we leave this earth. 

beyond that, we say 'thank you' because we know that no matter what we are experiencing, nothing could compare to what His Son went through on the day He was brutally beaten while carrying His own cross to the grave, bringing Hope to a fallen and broken world during one of the most barbarous and brutal periods in history. for all His children then and for all through eternity. to share in His suffering in some small way, i hope, i will find the strength to count as an honor even through the lowest periods of my life in the days, weeks, years to come in this life. to know that no hardship experienced would be in vain. 

although our miscarriage happened just several months before the clock struck midnight in 2014, i can still remember the pain like it happened yesterday. i was mad at God. really mad. and i was heartbroken. i felt like He had made a promise to me and then reached into my chest, pulled out my heart, and stomped all over it for added insult to injury.

yes, i actually yelled at Him, blamed Him, and pleaded for a response and it finally came. of course i had to shut up and tune in to His still small Voice to hear it. but He answered indeed, and in a way that only compassion could.

"My heart mourns with you" 

those words still make me cry. He knew that i needed the heartbreak to make me and mold me into more of the Spiritual-minded woman He Created me to be. and though i couldn't have possibly known then, He knew that Adelynn would be in my womb just three short months later and in my arms on that beautiful September day in 2014.

as i write these words i'm thinking about all of it. and over the course of our week and a half visiting family in Eugene i didn’t stop reflecting on Adelynn and what a Gift she's been to all of us. i wouldn't be holding her in my arms today if i hadn't miscarried. i wouldn't be staring back at her beautiful eyes.

whether or not it was her sweet soul that returned to us from the miscarriage (because i do believe in that) or if that baby is waiting in Heaven for us, i'm nonetheless grateful that i don't have to wonder or worry. God healed the wound of that loss and blessed me tenfold with my sweet baby girl. 

content to just sit back in her bouncing chair/'bed' while we were in Oregon, and smiling and cooing on cue for anyone who gives her attention. of course the occasional fuss if she's hungry, wants to be held, or her tummy is upset otherwise just a "happy little lump" as grandad called her all week. and she's truly just that. though 'lump' may not exactly have been my choice of wording. ha! nonetheless, the happiest baby with thee sweetest Spirit and demeanor. 

she inspires me. and there are moments when we're nursing, playing, or 'talking' to each other that i can't seem to stop myself from crying tears of complete and utter Joy for her existence. for her choosing us. 

and Hannah, my sweet and silly little banana. this year has been so. much. fun. watching her go from 1 to 2 years old. all the milestones she's already accomplished and the ones she continues to surprise us with. my favorite line of hers lately --"silly mommy, mommy funny" as she looks around the room to tell everyone who's listening and laughs. now when your two year old gives you props like that you know it's legit! 

and i just love reading books with her every night in bed. we are big fans of Mercer Mayer lately and she's now reciting her favorite stories The New Baby and Just Go to Bed along with me as i read, laughing at the same parts in the story she finds so funny every time. she just turned to two and knows how to read words like dad, bed, baby, ball, now etc. she simply amazes me.

and my husband, this incredible man i've been so blessed with. often times i feel like i don't deserve him. he's so good to me and so good to our girls. of course we both have our occasional bad attitudes and our individual flaws that we are working on respectively. like most marriages, ours is far from "perfect" but i truly can't imagine doing life and raising children with anyone else. i feel blessed that i married someone who i can say that about...and mean it. 

i don't know that i believe there is such a thing as just 'one' as in the 'only' one person/"soulmate" that you could love and be happy with in life, but i do believe in the saying ‘the one that got away’. the one you cannot imagine a life without. the one you would always wonder about if you never saw each other or spoke again. and that's why i married him. for the last 12 years of my life, since i've known him at 18 years old and since i first knew that i loved him a couple years later's always been him. 

he's the one God had for me and i simply cannot imagine being without him. i’m glad i don't have to. my home will always be in his arms. for better or worse. rich or poor, i'm so thankful that God knew what was in store for us even for those three and half years, 8 years ago, when we had gone our separate ways and hadn’t known then what the future held. 

i was heartbroken over losing him back then. next to the suffering/death of a loved one, break ups truly are one of the most heart-wrenching and emotional things we will grow through in life. at that point, even the pain of my broken childhood paled in comparison to the pain of losing him. we were both heartbroken. but in hindsight it couldn't be more clear that God had work to do on both of us before we could be reunited. before we could be what we needed to be for these two sweet angels He gave us. we had growing up to do.

when i think about this past year, to be perfectly honest almost all of it escapes my memory. it's been totally crazy and chaotic at times. my 'mommy mush brain' as i call it, doesn't ever shut down. we look at each other--totally exhausted most of the time--and still can't believe we have two children. 

we wonder where the time has gone since we were just kids ourselves. we still feel like kids. well, at least when the bags under our eyes haven't reached our cheekbones. i can remember a time when thirty seemed ‘so old’ and here i am. but seriously, i'm waiting for someone to tell me when i will actually start to feel grown up. to 'feel' mature enough to even have children of my own. 

yet through the travails of parenting and all, the precious moments with each of them. (i.e.) the moments of deepest gratitude for them and 'recurring' realization of this Gift of Life i've been given supersedes the most difficult and challenging times. and those moments in 2014 are all locked in a steel trap compartment in the memory bank of my heart. those moments i will be able to recall at the drop of a dime and there were some pretty profound ones this past year. which brings me to my New Year's resolutions.

of course there are the usual ones which i seem to set for myself every new year at the fresh start of the year: “eat cleaner and no not the kind you sanitize with, exercise more, less sweets, go to sleep earlier, de-clutter etc. etc.” and since i'm sharing these please do feel free to hold me accountable. ha! but ultimately my biggest resolution is to continue what 2014 started for me. that beautiful little ‘something amazing’ that's been happening a lot, especially with the synchronicity of numbers. i won't begin to elaborate on that now, maybe a future post. but i want more of it. and i want to seek more understanding in the greater significance of everything as i continue to align myself with my Highest Purpose and Calling.

to 'intentionally' purpose myself to grow in humility above all else, and compassion and love for people. to grow in awareness, peace, wisdom, and understanding. to seek the higher road no matter how upset i may be when 'wronged' in some way by another imperfect human. to always extend grace and forgiveness to others, especially when they make it most difficult to do so. to be more like Jesus. and to slow down. to realize that there really is no rush. time is an illusion in the grandest scheme of existence and i don't want to worry about the clock so much so that i’m so busy being ‘busy’ that i forget to notice the things that matter most. 

i want even more of those beautiful, awakening 2014 moments to fill the love tank of my heart in this year, 2015. that it would be the fuel that drives me to create the space i need to do more acts of kindness and service for those around me with a generous and compassionate heart, especially toward those in most need of it. reflecting on 2014 only gets me that much more pumped about 2015. new heights. new depths. new adventures. new memories. it's only just begun and it's looking like a bright year already! 

Happy New Year to all of you reading this post, and may this be the year that you too discover the beauty within you and around you in the simplest pleasures and the smallest details. that you would find the willingness and strength to forgive and discover the freedom in that forgiveness for those around you, but especially for yourself. for the sake of your own good. that through our hardships we’d learn not to ask “why me?” but instead,“what am i to learn from this?”

may you be filled with the Spirit even as you read these words and may you feel empowered to pursue and achieve everything you dream of doing and being in 2015. may you never seize to pray and ask God for the tools you need to get you there—to where you want to go and who you want to be. 

may you be reminded now and forever that God has set angels all around you. whether you believe it or not, makes no difference. they're still there. they're still guiding you in subtle ways, even though you may have given no thought to them before. and if you ask them to speak to you, make sure you stop and listen.  don't be surprised when you get where you're trying to go a whole lot faster.

most importantly, in whatever hardships 2015 may bring our way, let's do our best to see them as 'opportunities' for growth. whether we like it or not (i don’t) physical and emotional pain are often the very tools we need to get us where we're going and who we want to be. so we can’t lose hope through the heartache. tragedies are real and painful but we don't have to be victims to them. 

no matter what you're going through, try your best to choose happiness and happiness will choose you. and if you feel like you've hit rock bottom at any point in this year to come; if you feel like you’ve lost all hope, remember these words and allow Jesus to cushion your fall. there is Power in His Name above any other name. call out to Him and Be blessed in the Peace He will sustain you with through the storm as you find yourself walking on water triumphantly by His Hand…

with Love, Prayer, and Best Wishes for each of you reading these words in this 2015th year!

your Sister & Friend,